During the time before we take the cup, the worship team is on stage just playing music to help fill the silence. In that same time, you can speak to God through your thoughts or in prayer (I guess prayer could be done through your thoughts). Not to say that prayer during communion is any more important or more powerful or more valuable than prayer at any other time of day or any other week, but I got to experience the power of prayer and the power of God answering my prayer in the same day.
For context, part of my prayer during communion was to be given peace about the happenings in February. To accept the way things are and to move on. While the moving on part is still a work in progress since I get moments of wishing for what could have been (I mean it's only natural if you know how close I had gotten to S), I was able to receive peace about the situation.
Yesterday, I posted an update to the original post titled "Closure". In that post, I had stated I got closure when I know I didn't deserve it. It helped to put me to ease and at peace. It gave me answers for questions that otherwise would've been left unanswered. While it didn't just allow me to move on right away, with this newfound peace, I feel like I can take the steps to healing and restoration. Healing of the brokenness I probably caused myself, and restoration of myself and of the friendship I once had.
The reason why this felt so good was because I had prayed about it in the morning and narry 12 hours later, I got an answer to my prayer. It helped to disspell doubts that God doesn't hear my prayers. He clearly hears my prayers, even when I don't see, feel, or hear His answer. But this one He answered almost right away. It renews my faith a bit. I know I shouldn't have let my faith die down because of unanswered prayers because everything is going according to His timing and His plan, not my timing and not my plan, but it can get discouraging for a human that has no idea what the grand scheme of things holds. This renewal is hopefully the spark of a growth. I know I have been growing a bit in my maturity, I don't know how much or to what extent, but I know I have grown at least a little bit. I hope to also grow more spiritually as a man should. If I ever dream to be a boyfriend and eventually a husband, to maybe even a father some day, I must grow and become mature and wise in both mental and spiritual capacities.
Without digressing too much, I guess I just feel pretty good about things now. It gives me a peace I would not know otherwise. God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. I need to trust Him for my day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year, etc. Even my hour to hour, minute to minute. It just feels good.
The power of prayer is highly underestimated, and faith is rewarded in God's timing. Obviously don't just become faithful for the reward, but know that God is always listening and He will never fail you. He never has failed you, He won't fail you, and He never will fail you. He will give and take away, but His plan is sovereign and supreme. His will is the best for us, and we just have to trust Him, even if it means to walk blindly forwards. It's a hard journey, but it will be well worth every sacrifice, every hurt, and every pain because this God can heal and restore everything and anything. The God of the universe has the ultimate power, so it's up to us if we use our free will to be faithful to Him, or to walk away in an attempt to take the reins. I don't know about you, but after having experienced miracles and answered prayers, I know which way I want to go.
Let's run this race set out before us together. Side by side, as brother and sister in Christ.
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