Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hard Work Pays Off

It's kinda a shame I only realized how true this statement in the title is. That hard work really does pay off. I don't know why I didn't understand this nor did I try harder in school. I guess I'm still a bit hung up on how different things could have been for me right now if I had just done what I was supposed to do.

Man I'm really taking this too hard. Am I being too hard on myself? Am I not trying my best to heal? Why is it that suddenly I'm having all of these doubts and upsets keep appearing as of late?

Anyways, I guess because I do all my tasks asked of me at work pretty well and right away, both the owners of the Jersey Mike's store I work at and my general manager like me. I had overheard one of the owners say that he hasn't heard anything bad about me. My manager says he likes me. And the owner's wife (I guess a co-owner?) said to not mess with me because she likes me (for context the husband was messing with me trying to prank me, it was almost a believable prank, but then again maybe I'm just too easy to fool).

It's a good feeling to hear that higher up's think well of me. It can only be good for me. I just need to keep up with the work and keep doing everything to the best of my abilities.

Even some of my coworkers say I'm a good learner and that they like that about me. Yet also here I am because I didn't learn how to apply myself and work harder before.

Gosh, I think I really need to address this lingering in my past thing. I don't know who to talk to or where to go, but I have a feeling this is getting unhealthy. Or maybe not "getting" but is unhealthy.

Whatever the case is, I should prioritize fixing my hurt, forgiving myself, and try my best to move on. At the same time, I should also look forward to the future and work on bettering myself for whatever the future may bring.

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