Thursday, November 14, 2019


If you've been following this blog for awhile, you'd know that for the most part I've been doing a lot of work to make myself into the best physical shape as possible.

Well, for the last 3 weeks, I've neglected the gym. First week was because the gym was too crowded and then I didn't make it the rest of the week. The next 2 weeks were just because I apparently prioritized playing Minecraft with my friends instead of putting down the video games and working out.

It's been several hard months of training, yet I am also tempted to just stop altogether. But at the same time there are parts of me that wants to keep going. I realized now that between either laziness or lack or priorities or vacation, I've missed a total of 7 full weeks of working out over the past 8 months. That's almost 2 months of not working out.

I really do need to get back into it, but will I be able to get myself to the gym? Or will I keep booking myself up with activities and pushing off gym time to the point where I absolutely lose all progress?

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