Sunday, September 1, 2019


It's September. Like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Kinda feels like this year went by incredibly quickly. And I know that I could easily say "well 2018 went by so fast that we're approaching the end of 2019 already". Also the fact that as I keep on getting older (as part of living), time because relatively increasingly shorter. So now that I'm 20, 1 year of my life is only 5% of my whole life. Back when I was 10, logically 1 year of my life was 10%. So on and so forth. So technically the longest year of your life is the first year, except unless if you were born with phenomenal memory, you probably don't remember those first years.

Side note: I have random memories or moments that I do remember from 3 years old or earlier. Many of them I don't remember, so I'm not really sure where I fall in the sprectrum of intelligence and memory capabilities. Honestly, probably just about average.

The other shocking factor of it already being September is that I'm about to enter week 3 of college, and I'm surprised of how fast this semester is going. I mean, when I moved in for this semester, I figured "okay 3 months is a good while before I get to go home". And sure I probably shouldn't focus on that and should enjoy my time here and make the most of it, but still, I'm settled in now, and time is slipping through my hands like water in colander. Or water in open hands. Or soup on a fork.

I just hope I make the most of my time here, and be much more productive than previous semesters. At this rate, I'm most likely a 4.5 to 5 year course to finish my undergrad. Then I might be back for 2 years for my Master's. Or I could (and most likely not) speed through the 36 credit hour Master's program in a year. But I'm pretty sure that's not how that works.

I need a Master's in order to do more with a psychology degree, so hopefully by age 25, I'll have my Master's.

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Eclipsed In Darkness

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