Monday, August 26, 2019

Losing Steam

So for those of you who have stuck around for awhile would know that I'm pretty into training and physical fitness. So much so that I felt really good about a week ago when I hit a new PR on bench for a 1 rep max of bodyweight (190 lbs).

But for some reason, today, I just don't feel like going to the gym. Although I'm already getting thoughts of "I want to go to the gym" or "why did I not go to the gym".

Because when I go to the gym, I not only do strength training, but I also like to run, or do some form of steady state cardio.

Right at this moment, I don't feel like it, but I know that if I don't go, I'll also regret not going. I kinda want to walk up to North to go work out, but I also don't want to.

I have all my stuff packed and ready for the gym, so I don't know why I'm sitting here in my dorm, writing this post instead of pumping iron.

I guess I just don't really want to do cardio, but also know that I'll feel a bit bad if I don't do cardio too. What do I do?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't end up going to the gym, but it's fine because I got some good fellowship and community time with some guys on the hall, and then I got to play some games with my former roommate, just like old times.


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