Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Suit Up

A bit of a nonsense post, but today I had to dress up to give a speech for my speech communication class (duh). And it's been a long, long time since I've last worn a tie and dressed up. I mean, sure I dressed up a bit for my dad's birthday at the beginning of February, but as far as ties are concerned? Not since my 21st birthday, mostly due to the pandemic because no social events/gatherings/holiday parties means there's seldom a need to dress nicely, much less put a tie on.

With that being said, one of the speech delivery guidelines said to dress in business attire, and I figured in any speech or presentation I've given for school has required a button down shirt and tie. We'll ignore that many of my classmates weren't in business clothes, save for a couple polos, but there were some solid colored t-shirts, etc. So I just went with what I was used to, and I would never turn down a chance to dress up because it's fun given how rarely I do.

I feel like it boosts my confidence and makes me feel good about my body and everything. I always struggle with body image, but thanks to going to the gym again I feel good whilst lifting weights, and I feel good in nice clothing because it helps to accentuate what I am working on in the gym.

I think I look pretty good dressed up. Also not to mention the Mandalorian, or rather, Mythosaur tie I have. I also have a similarly designed pocket square. All I need now is the either get the cufflinks (although I don't have many shirts that use cufflinks) or the Mythosaur tie bar (or why not both since I might be able to get 20% off and free shipping....)

Anyways, enough of that, I just felt good and wanted to write about it in the event I forget about how good and happy I can be. For the days where I am burdened by past darkness or sadness or hurt that hasn't fully healed. To remember there are still good things in life, even if it's as simple (and reassuring as a man putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know the world hadn't ended) as dressing nicely.

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