Sunday, March 7, 2021

Liquid Courage?

Well it would probably be a straw man to blame it on the liquids considering at most it was only 1 shot's worth, but nonetheless I wonder if it inhibited my restraint a little haha.

So what did I drink? Just an "Irish coffee", which is coffee (duh), some whipped cream, a bit of green dye, and some Irish whiskey (I forgot which one in particular, I think it started with a G, but no certainty on that). But like I said at most 1 shot's worth, and because I sipped on it throughout dinner (which would've been slowly from 7:45 to 9) I can't imagine I really got inhibited by it. I've only gotten buzzed/drunk off of 2-3 shots in a much shorter time frame.

What is it that I did that could be courageous? Well, I might be texting a girl pretty regularly, as in everyday regularly. She's someone I met online through mutuals back in September 2020. I seldom interacted with her on Discord (where I met her) up til about December or so. There's been a few chats here and there but nothing more. Come January, I kinda felt something, but shrugged it off, and then back in February it started getting stronger. I added her on Snapchat, and somehow got to texting her a bunch. I've complimented her every now and then, but it was kinda fitting for the moment, could just be friendly support. She seems to receive the compliments well though regardless, so it's been good.

Then yesterday she posts on her private snap story and it's her in an oversized sweatshirt, and I made idle conversation from it. Then like 20 minutes after the last thing was said, I just pop back in all like "I hope this isn't weird for me to say, but I think you're cute in that sweatshirt." And there it is. My big, bold moment. Yeah probably not as big as I think it is, nor as courageous as I made it out to be.

Why the whole post? Well because I've never texted a girl that she's cute, save for one other girl I used to like, but that was only after she told me she liked me back. So this was the first time I went for it without knowing her feelings/thoughts on me per sé. She seemed to take it well, saying "thank you 🥺", which I guess is good? Many people have stated that when girls use that emoji, they use it towards guys they think are super sweet. And yeah, she has called me sweet before, so it adds up. However, I have no idea if she normally uses that emoji, so I don't want to assume anything of it since it could just simply be face value and is merely an emoji.

I have some good feelings about it since we still talk regularly even with all these compliments and all, but I also don't want to get my hopes up too much. Preservation of self, ya know? At the end of the day, I should just play it cool, take this as maybe a moment of courage and a bit of luck that it played in my favor. Whatever comes of this will come, all in due time. If it isn't what I hope for, then maybe I'll just have a good friend after it. It's a win-win, just one bigger than the other.

Side note, the only reason I have to be skeptical is that I live about 300 miles away from her. So it will have to be a long-distance relationship if she does let me know if anything is going to happen. Details and logistics that I will figure out when the time comes, should it come.

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