Without further ado, here's the subject of today's post:
Given that I have been wondering when I should go about beginning forgiving those I am at odds with or have had some rough patches with this year, this spoke to me on a different level. It makes me wonder if maybe God is speaking to me through these TobyMac posts and that's why I see it so often in my Facebook feed.
So this post makes me wonder, especially since it was posted today and not something I've been lingering on for awhile, do I start the whole forgiveness process soon? The post mentions that healing comes as a result of forgiveness. I mean I guess I shouldn't go ahead and forgive to try to force healing to happen, but then again that doesn't exactly make the most sense to "force" healing? I mean I feel like partially that it's going to be a reoccurring thought every now and then that I need to go and forgive. That it would be a constant reminder that will never let me forget and move on.
The post also mentions that letting go is to grow. And I know that I need to grow and develop more. But I don't know what it means to let go. What exactly am I to let go of? I'd assume that my anger and my upset feelings over these past events is one thing to let go of, but is there anything else that needs to be let go of? I don't mean to say that to mean I want to let go of more, but just a thought of wondering if there is more to let go of other than the anger and the aggression. I guess that's a thing I can work on as a separate thing since I think before I can move on and let go, whatever it entails and includes, I should find my way of forgiveness and healing. If forgiving truly leads to healing, then I know my next step in my healing process. I have my work cut out for me.
With all that being said, I suppose there is only one thing I need to start. So I guess, I need to go about to just post that draft I've held on to for the past 10-11 days and leave it as is. To begin the forgiveness and healing. And then from there I need to work on growing from the past, to learn from my mistakes. To figure out what I need to work on, and work on it. To develop in the ways I need to, and to mature as I should be maturing.
Here goes nothing, I suppose. There's no point to delaying it any longer since it's been on my mind for a long while on when I should and what the right thing to do is.
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