Thursday, May 21, 2020

Moving On

I think I've finally come to terms with how things are and I can settle now with peace. That I can move on with my life now. I can feel that the feelings have faded.

Okay okay, I will admit though that sometimes something gives me a reminder of those fun times I had towards the tail end of last year. But what else am I to do in those moments aside from just remember those memories? To be hurt by them? No. No that wouldn't be healing. That wouldn't be progress. That wouldn't be fair.

When I get those memories, I see it as a blessing I have these memories with close friends and best friends alike. I mean, if I hadn't had these memories, I wouldn't know how good things were. I've been given perspective. And with that perspective, I am feeling good about everything. Feeling at peace.

I don't know, this post feels all over the place. I don't know if my wording is the best to convey what I'm saying. What I do know is that I feel good about everything now. Well, not good in the sense that I'm glad things happened the way they did, but in the way that I have found my peace. That I don't feel the pains or the hurts anymore.

Okay, I think I'm rambling, using circular reasoning (is that what it's called), and just kinda unsure of how to word it. Maybe I'll find a new way to write everything out as I think would be better.

I guess time really does work to heal. And that it took me 3.5 months to do so, but hey, better late than never!

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