Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Batman

A few days ago, I had written about the Batpham and whether or not I still am the Batman. It was something that for a long while (mostly since the year's bumps in the road) I had not thought of. That I was just going to give up being the Batman. To hang up the cape and the cowl because I most likely won't ever return to Liberty, so how can I make the claim to be the Liberty Batman.

But I've made a change in my decision and thought process.

I have decided that I will continue to be the Batman. And while I can't be Liberty's Batman, I will keep the namesake because, well, for one there are so many already taken names of something that is just Batman, so "thelibertybatman" has a certain uniqueness and doesn't require numbers or characters. The other reason is that it's to remind me where I came from and what built it all to what it once was. To remind me of where I was, where I got to, to see where I have fallen, and where I can reach once again and then one day surpass.

I don't know what I'd exactly do as the Batman while being at home, but I guess it'll just be more of something fun. That and also I will use it as a symbol. Just like the Batman is supposed to be. A symbol to inspire hope, to inspire something greater than a single human. To surpass human standards and rise higher than ever before. To be a sentinel who guards morals and values with their best efforts, and brings the fight to injustice and protects those who cannot protect themselves.

I'm not saying I will take up vigilantism, but what I'm saying is that I had held higher morals and higher values once before, at my sort of peak in my Dark Knight career, and I once again want to reach those points and then even surpass it if I can help it.

If you're wondering how I got to this decision and why I had actually thought about it, it's because I've been having dreams in which I would be wearing my batsuit. Sure they are just dreams, but maybe there was a sense of moral and sense of focus in the right direction that I had held and now I want to return to those good points.

The signal's been lit. I will return.

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Eclipsed In Darkness

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