Sunday, May 10, 2020

But What I Do That Defines Me

The process is started. And now we wait. Will my words that I say about myself, about my growth and healing and development, be true? I guess I can only do so much, and just let God handle the rest. If I still believe in God, I must trust that everything is going according to the plan He created since the very beginning and even before I was even thought of. That this is all part of what truly defines me.

It is time to just send the post, and then to sit back and wait. Patience, young Padawan. There is no need to worry or be anxious. Trust that everything will work out as it is supposed to, and if things aren't as you had hoped, then that is fine because you did your best. If they do go as you hoped, then do your best to be better and move on from these damages. To linger any longer is not only detrimental to you, but to be unfair and stubborn in the past. To not have moved on as you had been encouraged to do. You need to heal and to move on, and to find what new growths you can make in your life.

So I will wait. I will sit and meditate in this time of confusion, of uncertainty, and of just waiting. Sometimes that's all that we can do.

Here goes into the next phase, wherever that will lead.

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