Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Lonely Road

I should've known I was destined for this path. It's the only one that doesn't hurt me. Every other time I've tried for something more shattered my heart. Then I give my heart away to someone I thought I had a chance with. To someone I cared about more than anyone else before. Shattered. Again.

I'm never going to try again with this relationship stuff. I just do not care. I don't have the strength nor the endurance to try it again.

I'm going to live on my own. Fly solo. It's safer that ways. No way to get hurt. Can't get my heart shattered again if I never put it out there again. 17 crushes. 7 rejections. 1 shattered dream.

7 years of my life focused on trying to find someone to be my companion. 7 years wasted. 7 years of crushed dreams, false hopes, and destruction of my heart. 7 years I could've saved of excessive pain and hurt. But I was foolish to think this life had me with someone. I should've known.

This is the end. There is no future in companionship for me. I'll do whatever I want because I won't need to care for anyone outside of the family. Life was and is so much simpler that way.

I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough. There's too much risk for little reward. I can't. I won't. I will never do this again.

There's only one dream that can still come to fruition. And it has nothing to do with other people, aside from becoming an instructor. I'm just going to focus on myself. I don't care if my bloodline continues from me.

This is the new me. This is the new face. This is the new life.

This is the way.

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