Thursday, February 13, 2020

Job Day 3

Work was once again very fast. So many things to do to help keep the location up and running. Between taking out the garbage, wrapping the ten's of sandwiches, cleaning tables, restocking chip bags, running the cash register, and making sandwiches, 6 hours goes by really quickly. I don't know if I could do more than 6 hours, I mean obviously I will adapt if absolutely necessary. But those 6 hours are definitely packed with stuff to do.

I think I like my job. It was definitely good to keep telling myself to stay open minded and level headed as I went in, ready to learn. I've had to learn so many things, and I'm beginning to learn how to cook some things on the hot grill. So it's definitely a great starting job. I learn daily responsibilities that can easily transfer into home life. Between cooking (a minor thing for now since I don't regularly grill at work, just more of learning to make my own lunch), putting together sandwiches (kinda mixed into learning food prep), taking out garbage, doing dishes, cleaning surfaces and simply maintaining order as I check stock levels. Then for the few moments I'm on cash register duty, maintaining a quick counting ability as I prepare change for customers, as well as counting the money handed to me (assuming it's cash rather than card). It's good because I can get "cash-handling experience" should I want to look into working for a bank.

Perks of the job are also great. I get free lunch (even if it's "regular" size which is a 7" sandwich, it's free), I can take snacks for lunch (a brownie, cookie, or chip bag), and free drinks for throughout the shift and lunch.
Here's the brownie. It's a hefty snack. Tasty for sure.

Today's lunch was a buffalo chicken cheesesteak. It was great, and I don't know if I like this or the philly cheesesteak I had yesterday, which looks like:

Are you hungry yet?

Anyways back to the other perks:
I get a good pay (well theoretically since I haven't been paid yet, nor do I ask about that). It's minimum, but I heard minimum was raised to $11/hr. Then apparently I can split a tip if there's any, starting after Sunday because these first few days the extra money is for a fundraiser towards a foundation researching to fight and cure Sanfillippo disease.

Sure my lunch "break" is only 15 minutes, but that means it's not a lunch hour or whatever, so I think I still get paid for those 15 minutes. So not only do I get free food, I get paid to chill and eat. I guess we'll see when the paycheck comes in in 2 weeks.

Another great note is that I was complimented on my quick learning ability by the owner's of this store. I was also complimented on being the most respectful employee. I think they say that because I started calling the owners by Mr/Mrs, but then they have me refer to them on first name basis. That and whenever any higher up talks to me (so I guess literally anyone) I use "sir" and "ma'am". It's interesting how a small thing like that can go a long way. I don't do these things to garner favor or anything, at least not directly. Obviously if they take favor in me because of it, I won't turn them down. So maybe I learned one thing in my time in the South.

Overall, work is pretty good. I don't know how many more blogs I'm going to be making about work because eventually it will be the same thing everyday, Monday through Friday. I guess we'll see where this all goes. Maybe I'll leave one day, maybe I'll hope for a management position. Maybe I'll even own my own location and become like the corporate guys that are helping out. We'll see where it goes. I should have goals to progress, but not make it my sole focus. At least not in the sense of "if I don't get here, this is a waste of time" or "I want this and this is why I do these things".

It's an exciting world out there.

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