We're not here to talk about gun control though. That's a whole can of worms I am not opening today.
The fires are odd. I mean yeah sure you could ask me how. What I mean is that there's been a lot of them. Never on the year or two (or is it three?) that I've started watching the nightly news have I seen so many fires. In fact this past month has been the most I've ever seen fires ever. Police and firefighters are trying to determine the causes for the fires, but we never get a follow up on how they started. Maybe because it's not something the news reports about? Maybe I have to go search it myself?
The point being is that how did we go from fires few and far in between, or not even at all, then to a fire every day/night? And all the violence? It's not like it's a hectic holiday season and stress and tensions are up. It's just a lot of violence for some reason unknown to me.
Okay so sure I know the world isn't perfect. I know that there will always be violence because there's sin in the world. That even if we disregard religion for a moment, that there is negativity that courses through many people (myself included) that will drive us to violence one way or another if we keep getting pushed to our limits. But to this extent of so much violence?
It scares me. I texted a group chat and maybe he was joking, but my friend said it might be the end times. Perhaps a bit extreme of an evaluation. Is it really that far off? I don't mean to say I'm going to become one of those people that preach or claim the end of the world, but yikes that would definitely be scary if that were the case.
I guess we'll see where everything goes. I'm afraid of the end of the world if it really comes down to it. But at the same time I should have no fear because even if on the off chance any of the end times is true and I die, well I have my Lord by my side and I'll be brought to a better life after this one. Not to say I want to die, but I guess I should have no fear in death since I'll only die once if I continue to stay faithful to my Lord.
This world needs help and I want to help it. I don't know how I can or what I can do as a 20 year old with no work experience, no money of my own to make a sizable difference, and no supernatural powers or abilities or even superhuman abilities that can put me in a spot to really make a difference. I guess baby steps and just do whatever I can for the people around me and hope that it trickles to more and more.
Step one is being more positive and optimistic and spreading that to friends and family.
Here's to step one of being a better person to try to combat all of the destruction, violence, and negativity that I keep on seeing on the news.
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