Saturday, January 25, 2020

Do I Deserve It?

I was just looking at the URL to access this blog. Before the whole "", mine has "libertysdarkknight".

I was thinking, that while yes I was the Liberty Batman, but do I still get to claim that? I'm no longer a Liberty student, and without that, I don't think I exactly fulfill any other criteria to be the Batman. I'm not exactly in shape for one. I'm not going to bother counting race or height, because those are factors outside of my control. It's not like I had a choice before I was born to be a 6'2" white man. I guess that muscularity and physique is also semi-limited by genetics, but it's not like I'm close to my full potential, whatever that limit may be.

I'm 197.7 pounds and can only bench my body weight for 1 rep max. I'm actually not sure if I can even do that anymore since it's been a solid 2 maybe even 3 months since I last went to the gym and lifted weights. Not really sure when I fell off the consistent workout schedule, but I know that I did. I've gotten soft again and I'm not in as good of cardio shape.

I've basically returned to the civilian life so to speak that I was in before I started working out. Sure I could be using the free time so to speak that I have now (until I get a job) to go workout and try to regain some of the strength and the endurance that I had previously lost. I mean it'd be for good health anyways.

That's beside the point. The point of this post is whether or not I deserve to still use the title "Dark Knight". Much less of identifying my knighthood to Liberty. My friends say that there are Liberty meme accounts and the like by people who aren't physically at Liberty, and maybe aren't even students. But I'm not sure. It feels a little wrong to still identify as such.

I guess I'll feel it out, maybe I'll transition into a generic Batman account and no longer focus on Liberty only. And maybe I'll use this to try to figure out some sort of workout plan that I like to get me back into shape.

I just feel like I have to earn the right to be the Dark Knight. Whether or not for Liberty is one story. To even be the Batman and emulate the hero that he is will take more work. Take a higher level of physical fitness and a higher level of mental capacity and functioning. All stuff that is achievable for me if I just try.

Let's get back to it then, shall we?

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