Friday, September 13, 2019

Thirty Thousand

At first you might think that this title is peculiar. But once you get reading, I'm sure that you'll understand.

One of my best friends and I use Facebook messenger as our main source of contact. That was mostly because back when I first met him 2 years ago, he didn't have an unlimited texting plan or something, so to text over Messenger was the best option. I mean who cares, texting is texting, it doesn't matter if it's phone number to phone number, or some other app. It's just messaging.

So I'm not entirely sure how this Google Chrome extension calculates it, but basically the extension is supposed to count the total number of messages sent in your Facebook Messenger conversations. That's including your own messages, so the numbers are totals between sent and received, not purely just sent and vice versa with received. That would be ridiculous with the numbers I have.

Also, I'm pretty sure the number also counts images as it's own message, so all the countless memes we've sent would definitely up the numbers.

So yep, we have 30,000 (thirty thousand) messages sent to each other over these past 2 years.


Isn't that crazy? I mean it's a lot, and the average for 2 years (730 days, not counting the days since the official 2 year mark, because I don't feel like counting those days out) it comes out to 41 messages a day, on average.

So maybe it's my fault for spamming and sending bursts of short messages or loads and loads of memes, but still that's a lot of messages! I mean I guess to truly average it, if each person sends 20 messages a day, that's really not all that much if you're close and you use texting as your main source of communication.

But honestly, the split is probably averaging more on me sending a bunch because I spam. Or because we have typos and the typos become more messages.

Also for those wondering, the number over one million is the number for how many characters there are in all of those 30,000 messages. So that's kinda crazy. If only there were also a word count, although, I'm sure you can do some sort of average characters in any word, and then divide the math out.

Okay so that's all. I just wanted to share how crazy my messaging gets.


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