Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Fire Has Started, and It Rises

What I'm about to write is a story of immaturity on all side. Just so we're clear.

I'll admit, I realize now that I've ignored my immaturity in the past. So why am I writing this story if it's going to portray me as immature? Because it needs to be said. I didn't start this war, but I'm sure going to finish it. You want me to write the true story of what's happening, then by all means, let's do it. I'll write the true story. I'll show my true colors as well as yours. Get off your high horse and realize that we're at the same low road as each other, just different perspectives of the same road.

But first, a story:

Give this a read through, and then we can begin.

So, remember the post "Oh The Irony"? This is the follow up and the "true story" as some may call it. I clearly misinterpreted the reasoning for my getting blocked, but nonetheless it was and still is immature. Sure, I've blocked people before out of pure immaturity, but that does not justify me getting blocked for "being annoying".

Here's where I'm confused. When I tried mentioning the part where a simple text would've sufficed, the answer was some Facebook comment on a troll comment of mine that wasn't specified for any specific posts that I should not comment on? Furthermore, when I troll, I don't troll every single post that I see. Sure, I do the vast majority of them most nights on LU Crushes, but that's become a small hobby of mine to just make the darnedest comments to try to pull a laugh out of someone.

Even if, on other platforms, to which this person to referring to, it's not every single post of your that gets commented on. And I didn't comment on every single post of your friends. Whether or not you saw me as a friend or an acquaintance, or whatever title you want to put on it, if you're so mature, you should've stopped them, regardless if you think it was true or not.

It's a shame that I don't have a screenshot of it, but it's available to this person still because it was on their story, but there was one time during the summer in which this person allowed you to respond to one of those Instagram story stickers and then the person would write a "TBH" about you. I don't remember the exact wording, but there was a part in which the TBH about me stated "I'm glad to have met you". Confirm it or deny it at your will, it is there, and you wrote it. So how can you be glad to have met me if you just think I'm the "annoying Asian guy"?

Next, the part where you claim I caused a great deal of discomfort and irritation? This is one of those things that needs to be communicated as soon as you begin to feel it, so that all parties involved can make amends and adapt properly to the situation, rather than bottling it up. Again, I will state that I am not innocent of bottling up emotions, but come on, you're acting as if you're more mature than I am, yet you have similar flaws to what makes me immature.

While I'll agree that my original blog post, and this one too now, have been directed to "slamming you", apparently it's the only way you can understand and realize that not everyone understands your thinking process, and doesn't know what annoys you and what doesn't, especially if you do not convey those feelings in any means. Call it immature or whatever you want, but this is the only way I can get through to you.

Next. To attack what I do for fun is a cowardly move, especially when it has nothing to do with the problem at hand. Sure it may be on the dumb or goofy side for me to even be running The Liberty Batman account, but I'm having fun with it, and the people I've got to join me are having fun with it. I don't bash what you do for fun or what you like, so why do you have to go an insult something I like?

Continuing on, you state that you believe I only act on emotions and not logic. Yet you blocked me because of your emotions about feeling annoyed or irritated or uncomfortable. Sure, being uncomfortable around someone is definitely a good reason to create some space, but concerning being simply annoyed or irritated? Are those not emotions?

To insult someone's maturity and to call them a 12 year old. Wow. That's an original. I'm joking about it being original. All I'll say about that one is that if you're going to use those kinds of insults, perhaps you should step back and remember which kinds of people criticize others and call them a younger age than what they are. Like I said before, I was immature in my actions in the past, but how will insulting me change anything?

Finally, thinking that I've been deaf during this semi-civil discourse. You see it as me choosing what I want to hear. And maybe that's true, but you've got to realize that you're by no means on any moral high ground in comparison. We're looking at each other from two sides of the same coin. We're both immature in this disagreement, so neither you nor I are better than the other in this instance. You're trying to tear me down, which is immature, rather than trying to build me up in the direction you'd prefer me to grow in. If you want me to improve myself, destructive criticism is not the way to go about it. Calling me 12 years old is not the way to do it. Stating my hobbies are stupid is definitely not going to accomplish anything. Do you see where I'm going with this?

To wrap everything up, we're both equally immature in this disagreement and the way that both of us are handling this. I'm immature for writing this blog post (which will be the final one I write about this), and you're being immature for just blocking me because I didn't pick up on your vague Facebook comment to then bring it to all of this.

We're both in the wrong here, no one is right in this. Neither you, nor I.

But if you're going to try to set me aflame, you'd best be careful to not play with fire. Those who play with fire get burned. The fire has started, and it will rise.

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