Thursday, August 22, 2019

Potential Name

I've come up with a potential name I could give to my sunuke bokken.

The main reason I want to name it is so that I can have a quicker and more meaningful way to refer to it rather than merely "sunuke bokken". Not like there's anything wrong with referring to it as that, but it just seems so plain and lazy to identify it by the type of wood it is, followed by the Japanese term for "wooden sword".

Here's my idea. To call it "Kaishi". While I did indeed use Google Translate (which has historically proven to not be the best of translators out there), I was just running ideas through my mind. If I end up using this name, I might run it by a Japanese friend of mine, for confirmation if this is indeed accurate.

In case you're wondering, here's my rationale for naming my sword. I know that typically swords are only given names if they are "shinken", or "live" swords, a.k.a. they are real, sharpened metal katanas. I suppose any sword of any kind can be named, like the fabled Excalibur, but I figured that no other culture is really using swords anymore. Let me also run you through my thought process when I was getting this new bokken:

  1. I wanted a new bokken, not because I needed one, but because I just felt like I wanted something to call my own. I've been using a set of weapons that my dad got years ago, and I've used it consistently enough and he has other sets, that the set I used is basically mine.
    1. So basically, I just wanted something for myself, not that I necessarily needed it.
  2. This new bokken was bought mostly because I was incredibly proud of myself for passing my black belt test well enough that many people had thought I had done a really good job, and even the high ranking instructors who administered the test thought I did well.
    1. The bokken also can now be used to teach others in partner work, and I can demonstrate easier since I don't have to hand off the bokken in order to illustrate an idea and watch whoever I train practice. But this was a side objective, not the main focus.
  3. I want to give this a name because it is incredibly special to me (and it cost me a good chunk of change), especially since I refer to my older bokken as "Old Faithful" (because of it's long standing durability over the past several years)
So why the Japanese translation of "commencement"? Well because passing my black belt test was the commencement of my time as a "yudansha" (Japanese term for someone who holds a black belt), and since it was kind of like graduating from the rank of "yukyusha" (a kyu is a rank used prior to black belt. In aikido, we most commonly have 5 kyu ranks. You start at 5th, and descend until you get to 1st, then you have your shodan, or black belt test).

Lastly, Kaishi is a very short name, at least the Japanese pronunciation is (I mean it's literally 2 syllables). It rolls off the tongue pretty well, and is not a super flamboyant or obnoxious name. It's not "World Destroyer", or "Evil Punisher", or whatever drastic name you can think of. It's (I believe) on the humble side for a name, and nothing that could appear arrogant in any way.

I texted my one friend who has begun his training, well one hour of it anyways, and I'll see if he thinks it's weird or not to name my weapons. If he says it's good, I suppose I'll take that as good enough.

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