Monday, July 22, 2019

It's Hard Now But The End Justifies It All

Some of you may know I've been preparing for my black belt test in Aikido ever since I got home for the summer. It's been a pretty successful training, with approximately 8 hours a week at the gym doing weights and cardio, and then another 8 hours a week training at the dojo. 16 hours a week of hard training, and I'm beginning to find myself getting tired.

Then again, with only one more week or so until my test, it's going to be a lot of tough training at the dojo.

It feels good because I can already see my physique has changed over the past 4 months, and with my skills increasing, I feel like I'm training as if I'm Batman. Am I? Who knows hehe.

Anyways, I just want this test done and over with. I'll still regularly train and probably still go just as frequently as I already do, but just to reach the end goal after all this time and training, it will feel good.

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