Maybe I'm getting too obsessed and maybe it's just a placebo effect, but whatever it is, it makes me feel strong and powerful, and actually boosts my physical strength. Or at least the drive and determination to push harder.
So for those who don't know, I'm a Batman fan. Or fanatic. I also decided that with other people taking to social media as LU's [insert superhero name here], why not take up arms as Liberty's very own Dark Knight. Yes, I am the Liberty Batman. If you aren't already, please go give my insta a follow @thelibertybatman, and my Twitter @BatmanLiberty, and like and follow the Facebook page The Liberty Batman. Okay, enough shameless self-promotion.
So naturally being a big Batman fan, I have a lot of collectibles and memorabilia of the Dark Knight. Today, I was wearing a shirt I got from Universal Studios (oddly enough) that had the Batman symbol from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. I say oddly enough because Universal is more geared towards Marvel characters since they have a Spiderman ride, Dr. Doom ride, and Fantastic Four stuff. You get the idea.
While wearing this shirt, I felt good about my physique. Maybe because the shirt is on the bigger side for me, and now that I'm developing my back muscles, I can begin to see that supposed triangle or "Dorito" shape that men are supposed to have. So feeling confident in my strength and feeling like I'm more like Batman already (I mean I kind of am, with my near black belt skills and above average strength), I manage to lift a little heavier in some exercises, and push back up to my strength before I dropped off a bit from vacation.
I'm not really sure if the shirt really had any effect on my strength and performance in the gym today, but I'd like to think it did.
So if you're trying to workout to get your own superhero body, try to figure out who your favorite hero is and emulate their power and strength. It might help you.
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