Friday, June 21, 2019


So there's been a slight political war going on in my hometown. People want a "pride" flag flown over at town hall. Naturally with a Republican mayor and quite a bit of right winged politicians in office, their petition was denied. I just drove past and they were protesting outside the town hall.

The mayor reasoned that the American flag is flag that includes EVERY American. Doesn't matter if you are gay, straight, lesbian, etc. Since I'm on the conservative side of politics, albeit not super involved in politics (a story for another time), I agree with the statement. I mean why would think that being different with your sexuality requires another flag aside from the American flag? Are you not American? And if you still want your flag to be flown so that you can be "represented" and not "oppressed", why not fly a black power flag, or some flag to represent the various ethnic groups? What about us Asian folk? Or the African people? Why are you so special and not counting yourself as included in the American flag?

We'll see how this turns out for this town that was against medical marijuana.

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