Tuesday, June 18, 2019

People Are Too Entitled

Inside jokes. Know 'em? Good. Because some people sure as hell don't.

Why am I expected to check where memes and posts come from before making an inside joke? It's not my fault your head is stuck too far up your sorry ass and you think it's directed at you.

It's not my fault you messed up and now you're incredibly sensitive to a joke that wasn't even about you.

Sit down and stop making everything about you. Learn to laugh, learn to take a joke. You got a problem with me? Then I'll just cut you out of my life. You think you're so good that you *have* to teach me something, but are afraid you will get cut out? Maybe that's a sign that you've been absolutely useless in my life and have no further purpose to be around. Goodbye to all of you who can't take a joke and who can't understand that the world doesn't revolve around you.

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