Friday, May 24, 2019

I Need A Distraction

So I know it's probably natural to think about your crush a lot, but I should probably be focusing on other aspects of my life just because worrying about what may or may not happen between my crush and I while we are on summer break and won't be seeing each other for 3 months is probably not the best thing.

Of course I'll be maintaining contact with her every now and then via text, but I should probably find a way to think of something else and try to not let my feelings for her cause me to overthink and try to open a door that the Lord may or may not want me to open and go through.

I want to be able to trust the Lord with everything, and that if He wants me to be in a relationship with this girl that He will provide ways for this friendship to grow more and to open the door for me when the time is right. I need to remember that His timing is not my timing and if I try to rush His timing, I might ruin the plan or the course He wanted to me to run.

Not to say that I have to power to change the Lord's plans, I mean I'm just a human. No human has power over the Lord God Almighty. But I feel like I might stray away from His plan. The same plan I keep praying to follow and to trust, even if I cannot see the next step.

I guess I just need more prayer.

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