Saturday, May 11, 2019

Good Feels

Remember how like 2 weeks ago, I was all worried about how it would be perceived when I gave my crush the $20 for her to buy study Bibles for her family?

Well, I just got a text today (albeit most likely a general text probably sent to everyone else who donated) from her giving thanks for the donations, as well as an update.

So it was a well received gesture. And I guess she remembered each person who donated.

It also feels good to know her goal was to raise $120 total for the 3 study Bibles, and that my donation helped reach her goal.

I guess I had nothing to worry about after all. Besides, it was ultimately for the glorification of the Lord's kingdom, so how could that ever be interpreted as a negative thing?

I also would like to believe that it was the Lord who moved my hand and not me trying to do it out selfish gain. What could I have gained anyways?

Edit: It seems like that maybe the text wasn't copy pasted, but I can't exactly tell lol.

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