Wednesday, May 8, 2019


I know that there's not exactly any sort of science behind dreams. Some are just absolute random dreams that you have no idea how your mind can come up with. Some you forget instantly so you don't even know you had them.

But then there are those that memorable. Ones that feel real. Of course because it was a dream, there are things that would make it obvious that it is a dream.

I guess one could argue that sometimes God speaks to us in dreams, but I'm not sure if this is the case or if I am overthinking/misinterpreting this dream I'm about to mention.

So for whatever reason, I'm probably somewhere like school just because of the people that were there. Somehow I was given an object that was supposed to be the real thing, but it wasn't because of some reason along the lines that I didn't have the knowledge nor the experience to have (somehow this object related to relationships and stuff like that. Also this object was very fictional, so it's why I'm partially skeptical about interpreting this dream, but at the same time from a certain view, it brings me hope).

At some point, I realize that I was deceived and felt saddened that I couldn't be trusted to have the actual object. It was that feeling that no one cared for or trusted me. The sad boi feels.

My crush was there, and she realized I was feeling down and felt like no one cared for me. She expressed to me that she does care for me, and she comforted me through it.

So you can see how it would give me hope if interpreted as a dream sent from God.

But at the same time, because of how many fictional aspects there were in the dream, what's to say that that wasn't fictional as well?

I write all of this because I've been praying pretty consistently, trying to see if God wants me to pursue this girl. To see if she's the one God wants me to be with, so that I may protect her as a man should be doing. I've also been praying that God would take away my feelings for her if she isn't the one, and that I just care for her as a friend and as a brother in Christ to her.

But this isn't the first dream I've had in which she's appeared ever since I picked this crush back up and been praying about it. Albeit that 2 dreams isn't a definite green light, especially when the 2nd dream had quite a few fictional aspects to it.

I guess my only real answer is to go and keep praying each day over the summer and try to grow in my maturity and my faith. I know that everything is in God's timing, but would He wait to take feelings away?

If you're reading this and are one of my close friends, shoot me a text and help me try to understand it all.

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