Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Double Edged Sword

Before I begin, let me clarify that I love being with my family. Especially ever since I started college in Fall 2017. Okay, we good?

I had a blast this weekend, getting to be home with the fam to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Easter, for the unaware). It was nice to slow down and just hang out with them, having a catch, watching tv, etc.

At the same time, now that I am back to school to finish these last 11 days, I feel like I shouldn't have gone home for Easter weekend, because now I don't want to school. That's not even great grammar there, but basically, I don't want to do anything other than just go home and relax with my family some more.

But I will do what is asked of me.

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