Sunday, April 21, 2019

I Don't Wanna Get Too Hopeful

I guess I should "warn" you that a lot of my posts will kinda revolve around my rebound crush a bit.

Like I don't know, but I would like to think that there could be a chance it could work. But I don't want to get too excited over anything, in the event that nothing comes out of this other than a friendship.

I don't know what to do. I pray about it, maybe not as much as I should be, but I just haven't heard any answer to the prayers yet. Or am I unconsciously ignoring the answer?

To clarify, I don't pray "please let this girl be my girlfriend". What I do pray is "God if she is the one for me, then in Your timing let things happen, but if she isn't, then take these feelings away from me". The feelings haven't gone away yet. But again, I don't want to get overly hopeful over that.

I guess it doesn't help that the part of me that would get super hopeful over all of this is also getting hopeful a bit that the crush is even rebounding in the first place. Every one of my previous crushes was dropped for good whenever I dropped them. But this one is different. The feelings came back.





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