Sunday, April 7, 2019

I'm Not My Type

I've had a few friends tell me that I'm not bad-looking. I'm not sure if that's just because I consistently say that I don't think I look good, and that they're being good friends to tell me otherwise. Or if that it's truly the case.

Then again, I've heard from some anon on the interwebs that "perhaps you don't like your looks because you're not your type". And that kinda resonates with me.

Maybe I don't like the way I look or just think I am not good looking because I couldn't get into a relationship with someone who looks exactly like me (first of all, that'd be weird). Secondly, it hits home because I also remember that Asians aren't my type lol. So naturally, me being Asian isn't going to be like "hey you look good today, Geoff".

So I guess I just gotta trust that my friends are speaking the truth and that I'm decent looking.

Guess we'll see where this goes.

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