Why do people write LU Crushes posts about me (ones that I know aren't my friends putting fake posts just to draw attention to me), and then when I try to get them to message me or come clean so that maybe something can come from it, no one does anything?
Like I probably shouldn't be so upset about this, but it just hurts almost as much as rejection to have my hopes brought up just to be left with nothing and then the realization that no one is actually crushing on me. Like a cold dagger in the back.
The next time I get an LU Crushes post, I'm just not going to think twice about it.
Maybe when I put myself on the No Post List in about a week, I'll never take myself off of it, because no one will come clean anyways, so there's no point to expose myself and my feelings just to be let down and feel hurt.
I'm actually really hurting rn. I guess it doesn't help that I keep thinking about it, but what am I supposed to do?