Thursday, April 11, 2019

Does It Make Me Weak?

I know that I like to pride myself on my strength.

I mean it feels good to think I'm strong after hitting the gym. Or that I can be strong like my favorite superhero, Batman.

But then I'm emotionally weak.

I let some anon raise my hopes and leave me hanging, making me wonder if those LU Crushes posts about me this week were fakes.

Maybe it's because I've not had a date ever in my life, and I'll be 20 in the next few months.

I just feel this longing for something.

I guess that something is a longing for someone to love me.

I know I should just love myself and know that the Lord loves me, and that should be good enough.

But I just want to have a girl to love, and for that girl to love me.

Does this longing and easiness to get hurt when my emotions are toyed with make me weak?

Am I weak?

If so, why am I so weak?

I don't want to be weak.

But I guess I am.

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