Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Tides of War Have Shifted

For those of you who know my friends and I built up this Gotham hierarchy based off of skill and (mostly) physique and strength, I got news that is and isn't in my favor.

Bad news first:
My best friend, Dan, was turned into the Joker. Great for those opposing me (Tristan, a.k.a. Bane because he's strong as nuts). Not so great for those traveling the hero's path.

Good news: While it sucks that Dan was converted to the dark side to become the high-functioning psychopath, it takes some pressure off of me. This means I virtually have no competition running against me to become the Batman. I mean technically, Justin can make a run for the Bat, but given that I've got a head start on the strength training, I'll most likely become the Batman. He can be my Robin, just hopefully not the Jason Todd Robin.

I've got my solid workout plan set out. All that is left is to push through it and earn my way to the Dark Knight. Gotham deserves a hero.

P.S. Apparently Kerri is the Scarecrow, so I gotta figure out how I'm going to train agility lol

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