Saturday, February 23, 2019


So I was curious as to how I looked in the mirror. Again, I hate saying that because it makes me sound super vain and I don't like people who are spending 100% of their time looking in the mirror. At the same time, if I just let my arms hang to the side in a relaxed position, I can kinda feel my lats (short for latissimus dorsi, and are the "wing" muscles on your back. Largest muscle used in pull ups, and are one of the largest on your back. Don't quote me because I'm not the best source for anatomical knowledge). Previously, I've not been able to feel my lats like that before, so it must be because I'm growing in strength and muscle mass. It feels good.

So I looked in the mirror, and while I still have visible fat (everybody does to some extent unless all your days are spent working out), I look significantly better. I look decently strong. My abs are starting to show again (when I flex lol), my pecs are noticeable without flexing (although flexing helps), and I just look overall stronger and in better shape than before.

I can't wait to keep on training and see how I look in a few weeks (progress, especially fitness, does not happen overnight, it happens over a few weeks with consistent training and eating well).

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