You'd think that people who attend "the world's largest Christian university in the world" would be full of better people, right? WRONG. People just don't know how to not be dicks. Especially here. People at secular schools probably are better human beings than a lot of the people I've gotten to know here. Like tonight at open mic, there was this guy who had a pretty cringey performance, but I think that was his goal. To be cringey. But still you watch the crowds as lots of people have their phones out and record videos, to later make stupid and snide remarks about it. I get it that maybe the goal of the performer was to be on LU Cringe or something, but I'd reckon it wasn't his goal to be put on people's instagram stories and be made fun of. What kind of Christian are you? What does that show the non-believers of what Christianity is or what it stands for? Don't be a dick. You can show it to your friends and make the snide remarks, and no one will be the wiser. But to be stupid and broadcast it for all to see? Dick move.
I'm pointing fingers at you, Cody Kant Thanmark.
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