So in comparison to last week, I basically spent all day every day with my newest friend group, but the only friend group that I've bonded with to this level and so fast (as it's been less than 3 weeks). These past 2 days, we took a break, which I'm not entirely sure why, but we did. It's been nice to have some time to myself, to enjoy my time, and I guess in a ways regenerate my batteries, so to speak.
But the weird thing is that I really miss the being just in their presence. Like while we do spends hours upon hours with each other, there are chunks of the time that we aren't really doing anything together necessarily. Like we might be doing homework so we kinda just go into our own world of our minds. But we're physically together.
Maybe because of all those hours spent (I'm going to guesstimate maybe 40-50 hours with each other over the entirety of the week) was how we bonded so quickly. I mean I've not hung out with anyone for that amount of time, in such short of a time period. Of course over months and maybe even years, I'll amass that many hours or more, but to do so in a week?
The reason why this post is titled "Confusion" is because I feel slightly confused. I love my own time as I'm more of an introvert now (used to be ambivert, or according to the Meyers Briggs test, enough of an extrovert to be labeled as extrovert. Used to be ESFP "The Entertainer" according to 16 personalities, and now I'm ISFP "The Adventurer"), but with this group, I seemingly have a new kind of "battery" where things get lonely when I'm not with them. I'm pretty sure one of the first things I texted the group chat when we decided to hang out was that my "social battery" only lasts so long, so if I start to zone out, that's why. But now it seems like while my social battery is recharged from being away, I have a sort of new battery that is dying and only charges when I'm with them. It's weird if you ask me. Hence the confusion.
So, I can't wait for the next time I get to be with them all, but I also think it was good to have my own time, and remind myself of who I am. To remind myself that I am still a person who needs to have time to work on themselves and not focus 100% on socializing. But I really do enjoy socializing with this one group.
Fun fact, that has never happened before. So, if any of my friends from this group read this, consider yourself special that I long for your presence and that I really do enjoy all of you. I love you all.
P.S. Now that 16 personalities tells me I'm ISFP and the title they gave it is "The Adventurer", does that mean someone is going to be lodging an arrow in my knee? Hopefully more of the Nordic slang rather than a legit arrow. But if I took a legit arrow to the knee, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'd be making the arrow to the knee joke a million times and then some before I die.
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