Wednesday, February 6, 2019


YOOOOOOOOO I just got my first kill in Assassins, ever! This is pogchamp!

I guess for any who may stumble to this neck of the woods and not know how to play Assassins, basically you're assigned a target, and you are someone else's target. When you kill your target, you get your target's target. There are different kill methods, between a Nerf gun (self-explanatory), a ball of socks (as a grenade, but has to be direct impact and not area of effect), sharpie/marker on skin only, excluding the face (hidden blade), or hot sauce in their food (poison).

Anyways, I'm just really really really really really excited that I finally killed before getting killed myself. My first game, I was going to get the kill, but got killed right outside the safe zone (some areas are safe for certain events), and then the second game, I had no clue how to get my target, so I gave up and managed to spill the beans directly to my killer.

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