Tuesday, February 5, 2019

To catch or not to catch...

Okay imma be real with you and theres going to be no focus on grammar because fuck that. For whatever reason, ive been trying to get a relationship. Idk why. Maybe jealousy of other peoples happiness, maybe just wanting to feel loved, i dont fucking know my dude.

15 crushes, 7 rejections, and 1 empty promise later, im thinking to myself that maybe i just need to focus on myself. So i did. For like 2.5 weeks. Then outta fucking left field or some shit, i start or at least perceive to start fuckin catching feels. Not like catching feels is a bad thing but fuckin why? Like am i going to ever focus on myself or am i always going to end up looking for love in places or people that probably dont want me in the first place.

Maybe my confidence has been shot down. Or maybe it definitely has been destroyed. But why am i catchin feels so soon after i got all messed up from a rough empty promise 2.5 weeks ago? Like idk if its even catchin feels or if its just because shes pretty and she talks to me. Idk man. Imma just try to take this slow and see if its actually feels im catchin. Check back soon

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