I got a really nice workout finished just now. Pumped hard for chest and triceps, then went pretty fast on the elliptical set at level 4 (roughly equivalent to how a treadmill can increase incline).
Without a spotter, I managed 2 sets of benching 95 pounds for 10 reps a set. I didn't want to put on any heavier or any more sets without a spotter. So I'm going to estimate that 95 pounds as my 80% of my 1rm, making my 1rm estimated at 118.75 lbs. Not that great of a 1rm, but considering I haven't touched a bench press in about a year and stopped doing push ups regularly in that time span, not too bad of a strength loss.
I also got to use the cable machine for some really good pec workouts, going diagonally top to bottom, going across, and coming up diagonally.
There were some less significant machines used like tricep pulldown, chest press, fly machine, and tricep pushdown.
Elliptical time was like I said set at level 4. I set my PR for 1 mile in 7 minutes 33 seconds. Nearly 8mph. That's pretty darn good since I typically do my running on a flat treadmill around 6mph. I probably could've shaved some time off the PR if I had decided to test my PR right from the get go. But 7:33 is a solid PR, and I'll take it.
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