To know that while actions and words can't always be 100% excused because of the nature of their roots, that there's nothing that can be the end of everything. Obviously don't abuse that ideology lest it eventually be a permanent state of damage, but to know that a patch of mistakes is not the end.
My moment of error and quick temper caused damage, but it wasn't entirely irreparable. What's nice to know is that I was still cared about even after my emotional state attempted to distance myself from everyone. To enter an isolation. I mean I knew I wasn't completely alone since Blogger shows me stats and I saw that someone somewhere was checking my blog. The part that's heartwarming is the fact that it was someone I have cared about and truly valued, but in my anger and poor judgment I had pushed her away. It amazes me what God can do through the people around me, even if they aren't physically around me.
I know that God works in mysterious ways and can speak volumes through seemingly trivial methods. While I know not how God "speaks" to me, I see things that I know or find out was an inspiration from Him. For example, the ability to forgive and show grace is something I saw and found out came from God when I had asked why my friend had even bothered to occasionally check my blog.
What I'm trying to say is that God's power is something we as humans can never fully or truly understand without direct knowledge and wisdom from Him. All I know is that I want to try to understand and comprehend the bits and pieces that I can perceive and register with my limited mind. Limited in the sense that the human brain could never truly understand God's deeper meaning, but we sure can try and if we don't understand something, that's when we draw closer to Him to learn the meaning He wants us to hear.
So what I need to take from all of this is that I need to learn to forgive and show grace to those who have either wronged me or I have mistakenly perceived to have wrong me. I'm not perfect, not by a long shot, and I will never be. So when I see someone who I'm quick to judge as imperfect or as a trespasser, I need to step back and realize that I'm just as imperfect if not more so.
This introspection process is going to be a long process and long work, but it's all going to be worth every ounce of effort.
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