As you may know, I get some decent tips. And naturally it's better when there's either fewer people who are crew members (the people who get tips) or when the tips are great in amount. Naturally only one is sort of in control, and that's having less crew members and more management/corporate people working because they don't get tips since they earn more.
You can probably see where this was going. And I hope I stopped it all before I became too corrupted by greed and money. I mean in reality it's only a few bucks difference and it's all extra money I would be getting, so I should just be grateful for what I get no matter how seemingly small it may be.
The part where I had to remind myself of what the focus should be and when I had to re-align myself was when for just a moment I had thoughts of "darn there's a lot of crew members today so a lot shares to break down for the day's tips". I found myself turning sour and greedy over a few dollars' difference. It's sad that I even had this moment, and it is because of this moment that I am writing this post to expose that moment of dark nature and hopefully be kept accountable to never become ungrateful, to never be selfish and want less crew members so I can get those few cents or few dollars more.
I'm ashamed of myself for even having this moment. I should never have been like this. It's ungodly and it's extremely selfish. I should be grateful I even get tips since workers from other locations say the tips for the whole day could be just over $1 maybe even $2. And I'm griping over not getting $5 or $6. Selfish and lacking perspective. But now I think I can remember where I am and what my mind should be focused on. It should be focused on giving the customer a good experience whether or not they decide to tip us.
To almost add insult to injury, even after I had a moment of "worry" so to speak that I wouldn't get as much, I ended up with $5.22. That's a good enough tip for me. Then because I offered to drive a coworker home since he doesn't have a license and didn't want to pay another $10 to Uber, but he decided to give me some money for time and gas, I ended up with an extra $4 from that.
So all in all, I still got a good amount. Actually an excellent amount. So I hope I never have moments of selfishness, of greed anymore. It can and will corrupt me if I let these moments become frequent. So here I am to be transparent. To be accountable for my thoughts and my actions.
I know I should be able to do this on my own, but to those who have a more personal connection with me (I don't know if there are "random" people who read this and aren't "friends" with me but anyways you get the point) please help me to just be grateful no matter what my tips end up being.
Gratitude and postive attitudes and outlooks in life will get me way farther as a person, as a man, and as a Christian more than wanting those few extra dollars here and there. That money is easily spent so the compromise of sacrificing my character and integrity is not worth a quickly spent dollar or two or whatever extra amount I subconsciously hope for if I am being greedy or whatnot.
Okay, rant over. Please help keep me accountable, friends 😁
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