Tuesday, February 5, 2019

First Blog

Hi, hey, shalom, yo, what's up, idk wtf is going on here.

Well I guess I'll introduce myself. My name's Geoff (MY NAME IS JEFF!!!!! Lolol), and I'm 19 years old. I'm a sophomore at Liberty University, and have recently switched my major to psychology with a cognate in counseling. My plan is to go through master's and ph.d and become a psychiatrist. Idek if it will actually happen, but that's the plan.

Anyways, now that the introduction's over, I guess I'll briefly explain my plans for here. As the title or whatever would suggest, you'll find all my unfiltered thoughts here. Things are going to get bumpy. There will be everything. Nothing held back. Ups and downs, highs and lows, rough and smooth, anything that conveys that this is no cake walk for a read. You'll read about my vulnerabilities, and my insecurities. If I shared my link to you, or you stumble upon this, this is your heads up, I guess.

For the most part, I'll try to keep the language clean and SFW, but sometimes if emotions really get to me or if I get stressed out, you can forget clean language. I have no problem with swears, but I personally want to try to not use them that much, which is weird because certain friend groups get different language from me.

Anyways, idek what the first post will be, and I know I called this the first post, but I mean like the first post of me talking about something. Idek how often I'll post or if I'll even continue after a few days, but I just thought it'd be cool to do.

Okay, enough of that, just check back relatively often if you're interested in keeping up to date with Geoff. Other than that, you can just leave and forget I even exist, as if you even knew I existed in the first place.

K bye

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