Saturday, March 14, 2020

What Even Is Left?

Today I would've normally gone to aikido. In fact I would be there right now. But given the turnout of the news of last night, I just did not feel like going today. What difference does it make to go one more day and then skip for 2 weeks because of a shutdown for an honestly over-hyped virus? I mean sure the virus is killing some people, but it really is not that serious in the sense that people are giving it way too much attention.

The only thing I'd be worried about for the virus is that I'd be stuck in isolation for 2 weeks as I recover. But it's not going to kill me, so I have no reason to fear it. And then there are people all around that say stuff like "oh well there isn't a vaccine for the virus so that's why it's such a big deal". But then even if there were a vaccine to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, there are plenty of people who wouldn't even take the vaccine anyways as part of their "anti-vaxxer" lifestyle. So even if a large population did take the vaccine, the virus would spread just like the flu does. Or even recent years' cases of measles or literally any preventable diseases because people have fears that "vaccines cause autism" or whatever other reason they try to come up with to deny taking the vaccine.

My point being is that this "pandemic" is only the way it is because the media gives it so much attention, way more than it ever actually needs. It's bringing about racism and xenophobia because people make stupid assumptions about anything related to Chinese people or China in general. I had a customer at work say I had the coronavirus because I coughed once. And low and behold, I am Chinese. Or there have been people saying "I can't eat Chinese food anymore because I'll get the coronavirus". I even heard about someone who said they can't go to Chinatown in NYC because the coronavirus is there and they will catch it. How stupid are people?

I'm getting too focused on the virus part, but what I meant by this post is that I'm pretty upset about how everyone is panicking and shutting down everything, effectively cancelling life over a disease that is not necessarily the end of the world. Sure it's dangerous for people who are immuno-compromised, but then they should be the ones to fear it and not make everyone else shutdown and bring life to a halt over it.

Maybe I'm just being too cynical. Maybe I'm overreacting myself. But I just hate that my life is constantly going farther down than any recovery upwards with each passing month of this year. This has been the worst year of my life, and it was supposed to be one of the best years of my life.

I don't know what to do, nor what I want to do. At this point, I couldn't care less what happens to the world. I just want everything to end at this point. What's left for me to be excited for? Nothing is going right, and it's all going the most wrong I could have ever imagined possible.

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