Sunday, March 15, 2020


A point came up in church, or during the digital church service because of the cancellation of physical gatherings for the COVID-19 fear and hysteria.

As everything gets canceled, delayed, put on hold, etc., we should be thinking not of "dang I'm really going to miss that activity or event", but more of "how invested am I in that one thing that I could be using for other more important things? Not to say that our hobbies or things we like or look forward to are wastes of time or not important, because it very much is important to have interests and likings in various things, but more of just that are we too addicted and focused on these things that we forget what should be our first priority: growing to be more Christ-like and living a life for Christ.

I realize that per week assuming no cancellations, I spend 8 hours a week training at aikido. That does not account for anytime spent before or after to travel to and from nor any time used as part of a social aspect of catching up with fellow practitioners. If you counted all those minutes, I might looking at more of 9 maybe 10 hours a week.

Not to say that I should quit aikido, but that's a sizable chunk of time I'm putting in. And now that I am taking a break for 2 weeks, my pastor mentioned that maybe now is the time to examine ourselves. To see if we're growing closer to God or growing away from God. Each and everyday has to be a choice and a conscious decision to step closer to God. We will never be perfect and sometimes we will stray away, but we have to at least make an effort to go more towards God than be apathetic or complacent or even both.

So maybe instead of trying to organize unofficial training classes, maybe I should take some of the time I now have extra so to speak and maybe read the Bible on my own. To maybe just try getting closer to God. Commit even just a few minutes here and there and then build up to longer periods of time. Not to say that there's a quota or some amount that counts and anything less doesn't, but more of just allotting time for God and not brushing Him to be a sideshow act in my life to only be called upon when I need guidance or help.

So maybe while I have been bitter at how the crazy hysteria and panic this coronavirus is causing, perhaps I should step back and see this as an opportunity to grow closer to God and more in my faith and maturity to just accept the things I cannot change. To find the courage to change the things I can.

Maybe I need to re-evaluate how important everything in my life is to me and what I will do to change things if necessary.

Maybe this is my wake up call.

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