Monday, March 16, 2020

Mass Panic

The media really knows how to blow things out of proportion. Even more than myself. The level of panic and hysteria that exists because of the COVID-19 virus is insane.

I get it, it can be scary with the effects of the illness. Isolation for 2 weeks is definitely not fun, and the fact where it can potentially be lethal if your immune system is compromised or you have other pre-existing medical conditions is also scary. But so many people are panicking over it, yet they aren't exactly taking all the measures possible to avoid it.

A few customers today were saying they wanted to enter in their loyalty account information, but they didn't want to touch the keypad to type in their phone number. They are so scared of the virus yet they also feel like they should go out to a public place to get food. The logic just does not exist.

Everyone is so scared yet they do things that are ill-advised just because a lot of people now have the extra time if their workplace shut down. If you truly are scared, stay home and don't leave the house unless you absolutely need to.

Maybe I'm overreacting to the overreacting, but come on people. Are you that paranoid you don't want to touch things that other people touched, yet you open the doors to public places and you also risk exposure because you can't stay home to make food?

It's ridiculous how crazy everyone has become because of all the attention the coronavirus got from the media. If the media reported on the flu just as much as they did on the coronavirus, we would have an annual freaking out and mass panic and hysteria.

Everyone needs to step back, take a breath, and calm down. This panicking and crazed mindset won't get anywhere and it's just going to tear communities, towns, cities, states, etc. apart. It's halting the world because we're letting it halt us. Proper hygiene practices and regard for our own health would suffice, but people only pay attention to it when we need it. Never is it something of concern all the time. The world is a strange place.

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